Global Macro Database

An open-source initiative for comprehensive macroeconomic statistics

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46 Variables

GDP, inflation, government finance, trade, unemployment, and more.

243 Countries

Comprehensive coverage across the globe from historical to modern times.

110 Sources

Includes 32 contemporary sources (e.g., IMF, World Bank, OECD) and 78 historical datasets.

1086 to 2024

Data spanning nearly a millennium, from 1086 to projections through 2030.

About the Project

This repository complements our paper, Müller, Xu, Lehbib, and Chen (2025), which introduces a panel dataset of 46 macroeconomic variables across 243 countries from historical records beginning in the year 1086 to projections through the year 2030.


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    title = {The Global Macro Database: A New International Macroeconomic Dataset}, 
    author = {Müller, Karsten and Xu, Chenzi and Lehbib, Mohamed and Chen, Ziliang}, 
    year = {2025}, 
    type = {Working Paper}


The development of the Global Macro Database would not have been possible without the generous funding provided by the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) through the PYP grants (WBS A-0003319-01-00 and A-0003319-02-00), a Tier 1 grant (A-8001749-00-00), and the NUS Risk Management Institute (A-8002360-00-00). This financial support laid the foundation for the successful completion of this extensive project.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute this project's code, provided that any distributed work based on this code is also licensed under the GPL.

For the full terms of the license, please visit the official GPL website.

To comply with the license's attribution requirement, the dataset must be cited as outlined above whenever it is used.